As we embark on our third year of publication, Canadian Family Offices has grown in readership and interest.
Our coverage of enterprising families, UHNW individuals and the growing advisory community that supports both has struck a chord with readers. Up until now, we’ve published a single weekly newsletter featuring our latest articles about succession woes, private-equity investing, estate planning and other topics.
Starting July 30, we are publishing two shorter newsletters per week, one on Sundays and one on Wednesdays (both at 9 a.m. ET).
This change means newsletter subscribers get a more concise read, and we’ll be able to send you stories sooner after they are published.
Subscribers don’t need to do anything on their end.
Please let us know your thoughts about a twice-weekly newsletter and anything on your mind: topics you would like to see more written about, interest in contributing a thought-leadership piece, likes, dislikes, etc. Drop us a note at

We would like to thank you for your readership, support and contributions of expertise, and if you are not yet an email subscriber, feel free to sign up here.
Warm regards,
Dave Michaels and Christina Varga
Editors, Canadian Family Offices
Please visit here to see information about our standards of journalistic excellence.