
Canadian Family Offices is the only media platform exclusively for and about family offices and the family office ecosystem in Canada. Five days a week, Canadian Family Offices delivers relevant news, expert insights and informed opinion to the wider family office and wealth management community, covering investing and markets, philanthropy, lifestyle, family business, estate planning and more.

Become a Member

We have developed a membership program for like-minded professional organizations that currently operate within the Family Office space. Professional Membership with CFO will provide your firm with both a platform and a network to share thought-leadership, connect with other professional services organizations and reach Canadian Family Office’s highly targeted and otherwise difficult to reach audience.

Membership will also provide you with:

  • A branded microsite on Canadianfamilyoffices.com
  • Access to exclusive CFO events, panel discussions and networking opportunities
  • Professional content production, advertising solutions and social media marketing services

Please fill out the form and someone will be in contact with you via email within 2-3 business days.